Average Water Use
While use can vary, the average person uses 70 to 90 gallons of water per day indoors. Add another 70 gallons per day for your outdoor water use during the warmest months.
Gallons Per Use
It may be difficult to imagine how all that water is used, but consider this:
- Brushing your teeth with the water running can use 10 gallons of water
- A 5-minute shower with a regular shower head uses 30 gallons
- Flushing the toilet uses 1.5 to 5 gallons per flush depending upon the efficiency of the fixture
- Washing laundry uses 45 gallons per load
- Running the Dishwasher uses 12 gallons per load
- Hand washing dishes uses 20 gallons
- Cooking uses 5 to 10 gallons per person per day
- Outdoor watering uses 5 to 10 gallons per minute

Water Loss Can Be Costly
Here’s a simple way to determine if you have water loss:
- Turn off all faucets and water using appliances in and around your house.
- Locate the water meter and lift the cover to view the meter.
- Verify the meter number on the lid of the meter to make sure you are looking at the right meter (the meter number will be listed on your billing statement.
- Lift the meter lid to view the meter register
- Locate the low flow indicator on the meter. Note the position of the larger pointed end.
- Turn off all the water at the property. You may see movement immediately if you have a large amount of water loss.
- If you don’t see low flow indicator moving, continue to focus on it for several minutes to make Sure there is not a small amount of water loss.