In our continuing efforts to yield quality service to our customers we have created this site for you, the ratepayers of the District. Our site is designed to provide you with the latest District news and information, water quality reports, conservation tips, emergency notifications and much more.
The staff and Commissioners of the North Perry Ave Water District are dedicated to providing you with safe and reliable drinking water. We aim to provide you with the best customer service and are happy to help however we can. Please let us know how we can assist you.
Bill Credit Opportunity
As the owner of a property within our District, you will be receiving a letter from us about the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Improvements and given the opportunity to help us meet their requirements. Fill out a brief survey to determine the material of your service line, upload a picture and receive a $10.00 credit on your account. That easy!
NOTICE: If you are having trouble accessing the survey link, please check back at another time. Due to the number of customers filling out the survey, the system is displaying an error as it cannot keep up with the demand at times.
The District is seeking an individual to fill our open Utility Technician position. Interested in joining our team? Click the link below for more details!
Updated office hours starting 1/6/25
Monday – Thursday 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM via phone
Monday – Thursday 7:30 AM – 4:45 PM in person
Cross Connection
The North Perry Avenue Water District works hard to protect your drinking water from contamination. This effort begins at the well where your water is collected, and continues through the entire treatment and distribution process. But what about after the water reaches your home or business? Who protects the water from the meter to your glass. Read on for some important information about the hazards of backflow, and what we all can do to maintain the safety of our water supply.
Commissioner Meetings
Regular Board meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8:30 a.m. at the District Office.
Next Commissioner Meeting 2/6/25
Meeting will be hosted in person at the district office and online starting at 8:30am. Please click the button below to join.
If you would like to call via the phone, please call Rob Robinson, our General Manager, during normal business hours for directions.